Sunday, September 26, 2010

Transportation from Wanchai to Shenzhen airport

This time, for money reasons, I departed from Shenzhen airport to go to Shanghai, instead of directly from Hong Kong airport. My company told me that there was a transportation directly from Wanchai to Shenzhen airport in only 1-2h, depending on the time taken at the China immigration, so I decided to try it.

For the route from Hong Kong to Shenzhen airport, because my departure was on a public holiday, I had to take the bus. But for the return, from Shenzhen airport to Hong Kong I took a limousine. I am going to write further about these two means below.

Because I departed on a public holiday, I couldn't go by limousine, I took the bus instead. The earliest bus is at 7.05am, my colleagues told me it will take around 2 hours and I should add 1 more hour for the immigration, since I cross by passport and not by Chinese ID Card. Adding it all together, I was thinking I would arrive at the airport around 10am, allowing me to get on the 11am flight (for domestic flight, 1h prior to departure is enough), so I bought the 11.20am flight to Shanghai.

I arrived around 6.40am in front of the China Travel Service (CTS) office in Wanchai (please see below for all the practical information). There were already some people waiting there and soon after 2 office ladies arrived. I showed them my ticket and they gave me a sticker, with "airport" written on it, you will understand the use in a moment. The bus departed on time and stopped at the second stop in Hong Kong Central, where you can directly buy the tickets at a counter. After that it was straight to the border.

It took about 1h to go to the border. The driver asked us to go down, without our luggage, to cross the Hong Kong border and we will meet him after it. Since I am holder of the Hong Kong ID card, it was pretty fast for me to cross it. Back on the bus and after 5 minutes, we arrived at the Chinese border. That was the end of our trip by bus, every passengers had to take its luggage and cross the border. This time I was using my passport and had to fill in the Arrival form. As it was still early, I crossed the border quickly too. I went out the immigration building and immediately was recognized by my sticker (use of it now) to go to the airport (some passengers were going to Guangzhou, Shenzhen city center, or other places in China). I was led to a minibus, not that comfortable, big enough for small luggage, but not for big ones ... Luckily the route took about 30 minutes only and we arrived at the airport.

All in all it took me 2 hours only to go from Wanchai to Shenzhen airport, including border time. It was beyond my 3 hours preparation. I arrived at 9am and had to wait for 2 hours for my 11.20am flight :P

My flight landed at 6.45pm and because I only had hand-carried luggage and it was a domestic flight, I went out of the airport very fast. At the exit of the airport, there are many companies that will take you from the airport to several places in Hong Kong. I asked for the limousine company and was directed to their counter. They have a small office, where you can rest and go online. The ladies told me that the 7pm limousine was already fully booked, but that the passengers haven't gone out of the airplane yet. So if by 7pm, nobody showed up, I could board on it. Luckily for me, I had my place and bought the ticket directly at the counter. We were only 3 ladies on the limousine, for 5 places, so we were very comfortable.

The driver drives fast, but smoothly. We arrived at the border (China and Hong Kong at the same place) in about 45 minutes. There we had to wait for about 30 minutes, inside the car with aircon, to be our turn to cross the border. The driver will ask for your documents and check them before handing them to the border officer. Second queue for the Hong Kong border and we are off to Wanchai. This limousine had 2 stops, the first one in Kowloon side and the second one in Wanchai in front of the China Travel Service (CTS).

It took 2 hours from Shenzhen airport to Wanchai, but we had to wait about 45 minutes at the border, because of it being Sunday evening.

All in all, both transportation means took the same time for me, although the limousine is supposed to be faster. But I passed the China immigration the morning on my way in, there was not many people queuing up for the passport line. And we passed the immigration on the way back around 8pm on a Sunday, so I guessed most people were heading back to Hong Kong after a week end in China. So it all depends on the time you cross the border.

Both bus and limousine were comfortable enough for me. The limousine is more spacious (again we were only 3 for 5 seats), but the bus allows for more luggage.

Speaking Chinese greatly helps, but most of the signs and documents are translated in English and besides the time and the cost, there is not much to be aware of.

Practical information
Wanchai China Travel Service (CTS) office : G/F, Southorn Centre, 138 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (exit B2 of Wanchai MTR station)
Tel : 2832 3888
Opening hours : Mon-Fri 9.00 ~ 19.00, Sat 9.00 ~ 18.00, Sun & Holidays 9.30 ~ 18.00
website :

Shenzhen airport counter : at the exit of the airport (just after picking up the luggage, where there is the pick up area), go left and there is a small office there.

Fare : HKD100 for the bus and HKD180 for the limousine (same in RMB)

Timetable :
- from Wanchai to Shenzhen airport :
- from Shenzhen airport to Wanchai :

Note: there is another bus company that stops at the Kowloon Airport Station and allows us to check-in and thus reducing the time needed at the airport. Please see link (in Chinese).
Note 2: a China visa is necessary for passport holders.


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